New e-journals for honni
As a result of a journals review completed in 2008 funding was made available to purchase some new electronic access. The journal titles are outlined below and these are all now available through honni e-Lib.
- Journal of applied research in intellectual disabilities
- British journal of Learning Disabilities
- Arthritis & Rheumatism
- JOSPT (Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy)
- Arthroscopy
- Experimental Hematology
- Journal of American College of Radiology
Would the Library consider getting access to
The library has investigated UptoDate however the supplier is unable to provide us with a subscription for the HSC as a whole, therefore we cannot pursue this as an option. The library does provide access to alternative resources that are comparable to UptoDate. I would be interested to hear feedback on these resources as alternatives.
•Dynamed – provides summaries of clinical evidence on 3000 topics. This resource is currently free of charge and can be accessed via the National Library for Health at – –
and selecting Dynamed from the Resources section on the bottom right hand side.
•MDConsult – a resource to answer clinical questions and keep up to date with recent developments. In addition you can access 50 e-books, 71 e-journals, clinics of North America and drug information. To access this resource log on to honni e-lib and under Find database search for MDConsult.