Published articles co-authored by AFBI staff – July 2024

Published by Noirin Dobson on

Adenuga, A.H., Aubry, A.

Adenuga, A.H., Crawford, P., Aubry, A., Verner, S., Strain, S., Burgess, S.T.G. 2024. Behavioural factors influencing the intention to adopt sheep scab control measures in Northern Ireland. Animals, 14 (6), Article no. 912


Brooks, C., Mitchell, E., Brown, J., O’Donovan, S., Carnaghan, K.-A., Bleakney, E.

Brooks, C., Mitchell, E., Brown, J., O’Donovan, S., Carnaghan, K.-A., Bleakney, E., Arnscheidt, J. 2024. Carbapenemase gene blaOXA-48 detected at six freshwater sites in Northern Ireland discharging onto identified bathing locations. Letters in Applied Microbiology, 77 (7), Article no. ovae062


Hanna, R.E.B., Kajugu, P.-E., Quinn, J.M.

Hanna, R.E.B., Brennan, G.P., Robinson, M.W., Kajugu, P.-E., Quinn, J.M. 2024. Fasciola gigantica: Ultrastructural localisation of neoblast recruitment in somatic tissues during growth and development in the hepatic parenchyma of experimentally infected mice. Veterinary Parasitology 330, Article no. 110244


Kennedy, R.

Thorburn, J., Collins, P.C., Garbett, A., Vance, H., Phillips, N., Drumm, A., Cooney, J., Waters, C., Ó’Maoiléidigh, N., Johnston, E., Dolton, H.R., Berrow, S., Hall, G., Hall, J., Delvillar, D., McGill, R., Whoriskey, F., Fangue, N.A., McInturf, A.G., Rypel, A.L., Kennedy, R., Lilly, J., Rodger, J.R., Adams, C.E., van Geel, N.C.F., Risch, D., Wilkie, L., Henderson, S., Mayo, P.A., Mensink, P.J., Witt, M.J., Hawkes, L.A., Klimley, A.P., Houghton, J.D.R. 2024. Assessing the potential of acoustic telemetry to underpin the regional management of basking sharks (Cetorhinus maximus). Animal Biotelemetry, 12, Article no. 20


Kennedy, R.

Sortland, L.K., Jepsen, N., Kennedy, R., Koed, A., del Villar‐Guerra, D., Lennox, R.J., Birnie‐Gauvin, K., Aarestrup, K. 2024. The effect of trapping on the migration and survival of Atlantic salmon smolts. River Research and Applications, Early view


McCleery, D, Corcionivoschi, N.

Imbrea, A.-M., Balta, I., Dumitrescu, G., McCleery, D., Pet, I., Iancu, T., Stef, L., Corcionivoschi, N., Liliana, P.-C. 2024. Exploring the Contribution of Campylobacter jejuni to Post-Infectious Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Literature Review. Applied Sciences, 14 (8), Article no.3373


Mulvenna, C.C., Ball, M.E.E.

Mulvenna, C.C., Ball, M.E.E. 2024. Assessment of the ammonia emissions from conventional, mechanically ventilated broiler houses in Northern Ireland. Atmospheric Environment: X, 23, Article no. 100273


Shirali, M.

Ghafouri, F., Dehghanian Reyhan, V., Sadeghi, M., Miraei-Ashtiani, S.R., Kastelic, J.P., Barkema, H.W., Shirali, M. 2024. Competing Endogenous RNAs (ceRNAs) and Application of Their Regulatory Networks in Complex Traits and Diseases of Ruminants. Ruminants, 4 (2), pp. 165-181


Takahashi, T.

Pereyra-Goday, F., Jebari, A., Takahashi, T., Rovira, P., Ayala, W., Lee, M.R.F., Rivero, M.J., McAuliffe, G.A. 2024. Carbon footprint of mixed farming crop-livestock rotational-based grazing beef systems using long term experimental data. Agronomy for Sustainable Development,  44, Article no. 41

Categories: AFBI Research