2nd Blog Post

  • 2nd Blog Post

    The “Nervous” Cliché 

    To avoid falling for the all-too-common cliché of people feeling “nervous” before attending an interview, I will instead tell you the truth! Or at least my truth. I love talking to people, I do so with such passion! Often times…

  • 2nd Blog Post

    What If You Are Late At Interview?

    “I’m sorry, this is not ordinarily how I conduct myself.” [1] My story is different from everyone else’s. A few weeks ago, I have a chance to attend a Simulate Interview. Because of some reason, when I go to the…

  • 2nd Blog Post

    “Failure to Prepare is Preparing to Fail”

    Reflective Analysis Journal Live Sound Engineer Interview Simulation The purpose of this reflective analysis journal is to evaluate my performance during a simulated interview for a live sound engineer position, using Boud’s method of reflection. This method involves examining the…

  • 2nd Blog Post

      Interview Ready!

    My chosen job description for the simulated interviews was for a position as an audio engineer in a studio-based work environment, a career I am very passionate to pursue when I graduate from university and in the future, complete a…

  • 2nd Blog Post


    THE FIRST HURDLE Whilst being on Placement has taught me many things about working in the theatre industry, it has yet to teach me one of the biggest fights of working in the industry… That of course being getting into…

  • 2nd Blog Post

    We’ll be in touch

    Ah, the joys of an interview! You’d think the fact you get offered an interview for a job you are clearly somewhat interested in, you would be flattered! Excited! Optimistic! Sadly, that’s not the case and believe it or not…

  • 2nd Blog Post

    The dreaded job interview…

    What am I going to do? At the beginning of this module, I decided to read the module outline and stumbled upon the overview for week 3. It was a description on how I would partake in a simulated interview…

  • 2nd Blog Post

    Stuck in Simulation

    Interviews require you to sell yourself as an asset; you must make the company you’re applying with believe that you are the single most suited person for a position over any other applicant. Interviews, simulated or not, are something I…

  • 2nd Blog Post


    For this blog entry I will express my thoughts, feelings and behaviour towards the simulated interviews, through the use of Boud’s model of reflection[1]. I will also reflect and re-evaluate on my interview experience, reviewing the outcomes as well as…

  • 2nd Blog Post

    An Over Prepared Interview

    The key to any successful interview is preparation, applicants must be prepared to recite their relevant skills, qualities and experience, as well as taking time to research the company, arrange reliable transport and prepare a suitable outfit. An applicant that…

  • 2nd Blog Post

    Use Your Time Wisely

    What is the most uncomfortable feeling you can have? For me, it’s attending a job interview. The butterflies in your stomach, the uncomfortable introductions, and the constant overthinking that occurs after the interview.  I was granted the opportunity to experience…

  • 2nd Blog Post

    Interview worries

    Source: https://www.simplilearn.com/job-interview-statistics-article “I’m so nervous” I thought to myself as I walked towards the Peter Froggatt building on the morning of my simulated interview. I do not like interviews (who does?) as they make me very nervous as I’m always…

  • 2nd Blog Post

    My second interview

    Job interviews are not something I would consider myself well versed in, as this mock interview between myself and my peers was to be my second job interview to that of an interview for a EuroSpar. This had left me…

  • 2nd Blog Post

    Weight of the Word

    You never remember how hard it is to talk about yourself until you’re sat in front of a row of strangers and asked what makes you so special compared to that guy who was just in before you. Interviews, dreaded,…

  • 2nd Blog Post

    Simulated Interviews

    “It takes off the rose-tinted spectacle about the whole process and makes insider knowledge available to a wider audience” (Baptiste 8). In this reflective essay I consider my learning during the simulated interview process which took place in the AEL3001…

  • 2nd Blog Post


    MY INTERVIEW SIMULATION EXPERIENCE                                                                                                 Job interviews are some of the most daunting situations a young adult can face, the anxiety and panic can sometimes get the better of us and we miss out on what might have been a…

  • 2nd Blog Post

    They like you on paper.

    “If they’ve asked for an interview, they already like you on paper. If they’ve asked for an interview, they already like you on paper…” I repeated this phrase to myself on the morning of the simulated interview session, dressed in…

  • 2nd Blog Post


    Martin John Yate (2015, 24) describes an interview as, ‘a two-way discussion designed to help the interviewer learn more about you, your background, and your abilities, and to help you learn more about the company and the job you are…

  • 2nd Blog Post

    You’re Hired… I hope!

    Although studying theatre prepares you for the arts industry, this simulation taught me that gaining employment in this competitive environment is a challenging task! The adrenaline… the intensity…  the first impression can make or break any application! Anxiously waiting for a…

  • 2nd Blog Post


    “Can you tell us a bit about yourself?” Fluttering stomachs, sweaty palms, and scattered thoughts are common symptoms experienced by job interview candidates. However, failure to plan and practice dramatically exacerbates such anxiety. Since “interviews are one of the most widely used hiring methods” (Brosy,…

  • 2nd Blog Post

    Be Prepared!!

    Interviews– even typing the word makes my stomach feel like it is flipping upside down. However, interviews are a part of life and most of us will have to do serval of them in our lifetime. “If someone is sufficiently…

  • 2nd Blog Post

    Use Deep Thinking to Improve Your Interview

    Introduction As my graduation approaches, I have been feeling more and more anxious about my future jobs. Apart from the worry of leaving the university, the fear of future job interviews also bothers me a lot. I had many failed interviews before…

  • 2nd Blog Post

    Interview simulation

    In today’s simulated interview I was applying for the role of a technician at the guildhall school of Music and Drama in London. My job roles being Head of Department and Technical Supervisor with specific requirements revolving around teamwork, management,…

  • 2nd Blog Post


    “D-DAY” or The Day in the life of a person who is looking for jobs and has applied for jobs is the day of interview, the most important day. The term “interview” is frequently associated with nervousness and fear, but…

  • 2nd Blog Post

    BE A S.T.A.R 🌟

    It’s safe to say that most people get clammy in the palms when they discover they have to do a job interview, but the best way to ace them is to practise and prepare! That is why we have mock interviews.…