• 3rd Blog Post

    I Was Just… A Voice.

    University. Work experience. Independence. Oh, isn’t it so exciting!? But, does that mean it didn’t have its challenges? The answer is simple, everything has its challenges, even the job you love will have hurdles you need to jump! Having finished…

  • 2nd Blog Post

    BE A S.T.A.R 🌟

    It’s safe to say that most people get clammy in the palms when they discover they have to do a job interview, but the best way to ace them is to practise and prepare! That is why we have mock interviews.…

  • 1st Blog Post

    Take Every Opportunity.

    I’ve always had my sights set on working at a radio station after I completed my degree, or at least something along the lines of content creation so I thought there would be no better place to start than searching…