Course Reps are a vital part of university life and we’re currently looking for reps for the 2023/24 academic year! Find out more before and put yourself forward now!

What is a Course Rep?
Course Reps are students that represent other Queen’s students on their course. They work with other reps and staff in their School to improve the experience for students now and in the future.
There are also Postgraduate Research Course Reps who represent students in their subject area or research cluster.

What does a Course Rep do?
The key roles of a Course Rep include:
- Representing student views at course level to the University and within the Students’ Union
- Attending Student Voice Committees in their School and other related committees
- Working in consultation with School staff to identify and discuss important issues
- Making a real change for the better in their School
- Help increase representation in their School

What are the Benefits?
- Gain new skills, such as leadership, communication, and teamwork
- You’ll earn Degree Plus
- You’re a member of Student Council
- Meet new and exciting people on your course and across your School
- Get more involved in your School and Students’ Union
- Work on projects that are close to your heart

What Kind of Things have Course Reps done?
- Organised study skill sessions
- Secured longer study space opening hours
- Extended the dates of deadlines
- Organised School Feedback Sessions to engage other students
- Organised events with other student reps
- Worked with lecturers to improve the format of assessment and feedback

Which areas need Course Reps?
- Undergrad Level / Year 2
- Undergrad Level / Year 3
- Undergrad Level / Year 4
- Undergrad Level / Year 5
We are looking for Course Reps in all Schools (except for the School of Nursing and Midwifery, which are recruited through a separate process).

How does the application process work?
- Applications for undergraduate Course Reps open in April/May 2023 for students who will be studying at Levels 2-5 in 2023-24.
- You submit a brief application form, registering your interest
- If you are reapplying you get priority
- Where there are multiple applications the successful volunteer is selected randomly
- You’re informed of the outcome in May

Important Things to Note
Course Reps spend 2-4 hours a week on the role and they start on the 1st of July.
Most courses have one Course Rep per year. Some large courses have more than one rep per year. This is agreed upon between Schools and the Students’ Union.
You will undergo around 2 hours of core training over the summer, to prepare you for the role, and there is additional optional training throughout the year.
Course Reps are unpaid, voluntary roles.
By applying to be a Course Rep, you are agreeing to comply with the Rules of the Students’ Union and of the University and you are agreeing that your personal data may be processed in accordance with the Students’ Union’s Privacy Notice.
Learn more about being a Course Rep and apply here.