On the move? Update your Membership Details.

On the move? Update your membership details with The Healthcare Library of Northern Ireland.
If you are moving to a new location or post at the beginning of February as part of HSC Changeover Day, it is important to update your details with The Healthcare Library of Northern Ireland. Updating your details will ensure a seamless service from The Healthcare Library especially when using the online request form or borrowing items. This will ensure that if the Library is posting books out to you, they are sent to the correct work address. The same applies to any books or article requests from other libraries on your behalf.
You can easily update your details by accessing the ‘Change of Details’ form through The Healthcare Library website. Once you have completed the form, click on Submit. When the Library has processed your change of details form, you will receive an email from us by way of confirmation.
As always, if you have any questions about your membership, please contact us by emailing: info@healthcarelibrary.qub.ac.uk or make contact with your nearest library branch.
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