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Digital Skills Development

Choose a capability to discover and develop

The Jisc Digital Capabilities Framework encompasses a comprehensive structure for building digital skills and competencies across various academic contexts. By selecting each one of the six capabilities below, you can start to ‘Discover’ more about the capability, or begin to ‘Develop’ your digital skills.

Digital Proficiency and Productivity

Digital proficiency and productivity

ICT Proficiency is the ability to use a range of digital devices, applications, software and services confidently. It is also being able to adapt to and try out new technologies, as digital technology is continually changing and updating.

If you have this digital capability, you’ll use ICT-based tools effectively and productively to complete tasks and achieve your goals.

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Digital Proficiency and Productivity

Digital proficiency and productivity

Information, data and media literacies

Information, data and media literacies

Information literacy is your ability to find, evaluate, organise and share information. This applies to your everyday intake of information – like with news sources – but also to how you approach academic information online.

Media literacy covers all the ways you receive and respond to messages, according to the medium that you find them in – this includes text, graphics, video, animations, audio, and media such as websites, simulations and games.

Data literacy is how you handle data as a special form of information that should be read and understood in its own way.

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Information, data and media literacies

Digital Identity and Wellbeing

Digital identity and wellbeing

Digital Identity Management involves being aware of the online identity – or several identities – you create when you use social media. Managing your online identity means controlling your privacy and posting mindfully, to create an identity that you want to put forward to potential employers for example.

Digital Wellbeing is defined as “how you look after your personal health, safety, relationships and work-life balance in digital settings” (Jisc).

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Digital Identity and Wellbeing

Digital identity and wellbeing

Digital communication, collaboration and participation

Digital communication, collaboration and participation

Digital Communication, Collaboration and Participation involves behaviours and attitudes for working with others in digital spaces. For example, communicating in text based forums or building digital networks through social media.

It involves knowing how to work together online – the correct platforms and productivity tools to use. If you have this capability, you’ll be an actively participating digital citizen – someone who posts and replies to others, engaging instead of lurking in online spaces.

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Digital communication, collaboration and participation

Digital Learning and Development

Digital learning and development

Digital Learning and Development means participating effectively in online learning spaces – like Canvas, the university’s Virtual Learning Environment – but also to using digital tools for general study too. To be an online learner, you’ll understand behaviour like netiquette and all other literacies will support this.

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Digital Learning and Development

Digital learning and development

Digital creation, problem-solving and innovation

Digital creation, problem solving and innovation

Digital Creation, Innovation and Problem Solving means having the ability to create digital artefacts and materials – like graphics, videos, presentations, podcasts and more. But this also includes understanding the issues around digital creation, such as copyright.

Also under this capability is Digital Innovation and Problem Solving, which means using technology innovatively – for example coding a programme to automate a process.

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Digital creation, problem solving and innovation