About Us

The Common Ground 2024 Conference has been organised by the Student Research Network from the School of Arts, English and Languages (AEL) at Queen’s.

The Conference Organising Committee

  • Lucy Cullen (AEL Student Research Network Chair)
  • Rebecca Wilson (PhD Linguistics)
  • Katherine Vage (PhD Linguistics)
  • Christina McCambridge (PhD Poetry)
  • Tianyang Sun (PhD Translation)
  • Katie McNamee (PhD Irish)
  • Lauren McShane (PhD French)
  • Molly Quinn-Leitch (PhD English)
  • Katharina Bock (PhD Film)


The Conference Organising Committee would like to extend their thanks to the School of AEL for their support, and to The Graduate School for awarding us Postgraduate-Led Initiative (PGLI) funding.