Common Grounds 2011

‘Common Grounds 2011’ is a winter colloquium for post-graduate students and early career researchers on methodologies for researching architecture and the built environment. It has been jointly organised and curated by James Benedict Brown and Anna Holder, postgraduate research students in architecture at Queen’s University Belfast and the University of Sheffield respectively.
Doing research on or in the field of architecture can feel like a methodological free-for-all, borrowing from the arts, humanities, physical sciences, social sciences etc. Conscious of the difficulties facing early career researchers in the built environment (who may not feel they have received adequate training in this area) Common Grounds 2011 proposes a weekend away from the university to present, discuss and constructively critique research-in-progress. This event will focus on developing thematic clusters and working relationships to support research in the field of architecture. The venue is the historic library at St. Deiniol’s in Clwyd, North Wales. On the Friday: attendees will be invited to present an informal 20 minute paper specifically discussing their research approach and methodology. Time will be allocated for detailed discussion and feedback. Submissions have been sought from researchers who are still developing their research questions and approaches. On the Saturday: based on the outcomes of the previous day’s presentations, we will collectively design structured workshops to consolidate and develop methodological themes.
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