Street Society 2010

Street Society began this week for year 1 BSc and year 1 MArch. Students are working on a variety of projects for external clients. Selected projects are:

  1. Outdoor Classroom for St Brides Primary School
  2. Big Telly Floating Theatre
  3. Craft and the Slow Movement
  4. Gilford Community Proposal
  5. Belfast City Council Projects (Lower Newtownards Road, Strand Walk – Interface zone & Northumberland Street (runs between Falls and Shankill)
  6. Left-over spaces
  7. Field Society
  8. Autism and Learning Space
  9. Visualisations for Donegall Pass Community Development Company
  10. FAB Project
  11. Belfast City Centre Playground for Kids

There will be a presentation in Ormeau Baths Gallery on Friday 12 March at 2pm.
You can follow the activities of the groups here:
For further information please contract Professor Ruth Morrow tel: 02890974512 or email: