PANEL I – Geopolitics, Economy and Conflict
2pm-4pm, 27 University Square, Room 01/003
Emilio Zeca, “A Geopolitical analysis of the conflict in Cabo Delgado”
Rufino Sitoe, “Youth Engagement in Violent Extremism in Northern Mozambique: Social Movement Analysis to the Radicalization Process”
Alex Vines, “Navigating Multipolarity: the impact of Mozambique’s Extractive Industries”
PANEL II – Youth, Music and Insurgency
4,30pm-6,30pm, 27 University Square, Room 01/003
Johanna M. Wetzel, “Generation, Sacrifice and the Myth of the ‘youth of the liberation’ in Machel’s Mozambique (1975-1986)”
Janne Rantala, “Azagaia: ‘Spear of the People’”
Eric Morier-Genoud, “Youth, generations and the insurgency”
Saturday 15 June 2024 morning
PANEL III – Violence, Resistance and Peace
9,30am-11,30am, 27 University Square, Room 01/003
Zacarias Tsambe, “Escape, Resist & Protect yourself: forced displacements and resistance in the south of Cabo Delgado”
Ana Margarida Santos, “Home & Belonging: the enduring continuities of displacement and post-conflict return in northern Mozambique”
Borges Nhamire, “Political dialogue for conflict resolution in Cabo Delgado: initiatives and challenges”.