THURSDAY 12 September 2019
1,00pm. Welcome & Introduction
1,30pm Opening lecture I .
Andrew Holmes, “‘Where have the Protestants gone?’ The Irish Protestant missionary experience, 1790-1914.”
2.00pm – Panel One “Green and Orange”
Matteo Binasco, “Whenever Green is Worn: The Holy See and Irish Catholic Missionary Movement in the Nineteenth Century.”
Declan O’Doherty & Aglaia de Angeli, “From novice in Newchwang to Minister in Manchuria. A discussion of the early experiences of the Presbyterian missionary Rev. Alexander Crawford in Manchuria, 1895-1913.”
Alannah Jeune, “Complexities of identity: Juvenile Mission literature in the Presbyterian Church of Ireland”
4.00pm – Opening lecture II .
Colin Barr,“The Children of the Household’: Irish Catholic Missionaries and Indigenous Populations in the Settler Empire, 1815-1914.”
4,30pm Reception
FRIDAY 13 September 2019
9,30am – Panel Two “Great Works…”
Jamelyn B. Palattao, “James A. Greig of the Presbyterian Church of Ireland (PCI): Mission, Humanitarianism and Diplomacy in China.”
Eric Morier-Genoud, “Donal Lamont. A (northern) Irish Bishop in Africa?”
Barry Sheppard, “‘The great cannot exist without the small; nor the small without the great.’ Catholic Action in Ireland and Abroad 1932-49.”
11-12,30 – Panel Three “Home and Abroad”
Sarah Roddy, “Temporary missionaries: or, how the ‘spiritual empire’ changed Catholic Ireland”
Stuart Mathieson, “Irish Missions, Science, and Scripture in the Holy Land”
Fiona Bateman, “Echoes of Irish history in Eastern Nigeria: Cultural loss and conflict”
12,30 Lunch
2, 00-3,30 – Penal Four “Exhibition, Text and Photographs”
Denis Linehan, “‘A Stuffed Gold Coast Monkey’: Exhibiting Irish-Africa in the Missionary Exhibitions in 20th Century Ireland.”
Justin Livingstone, “Writing Mission: Empire, Decolonisation and the Qua Iboe”
Fiona Loughnan, “The Album and the Archive: Migratory Photo-Objects and Irish Spiritan Missions in Kenya”
4,00pm Concluding remarks
Full Programme – download here