• 3rd Blog Post

    Networking as a Student

    For collaboration led industries such as, film, VFX, costume and set design, the importance of networking cannot be understated. ’Chatting and being friendly with the right people can catapult you and your career opportunities’(www.creativelivesinprogress.com ). Networking refers to the act…

  • 2nd Blog Post

    An Over Prepared Interview

    The key to any successful interview is preparation, applicants must be prepared to recite their relevant skills, qualities and experience, as well as taking time to research the company, arrange reliable transport and prepare a suitable outfit. An applicant that…

  • 2nd Blog Post

    Interview simulation

    In today’s simulated interview I was applying for the role of a technician at the guildhall school of Music and Drama in London. My job roles being Head of Department and Technical Supervisor with specific requirements revolving around teamwork, management,…

  • 1st Blog Post

    An Actors Guide to Online Marketing

    ‘Strong technical skills in IT are essential in today’s changing world’ (www.tafensw.edu.au). This was a line I had been accustomed to throughout my time in education. Business, health care, education, any industry will first and fore mostly expect strong IT…