1st Blog Post

Everything happens for a reason…

In the back of my mind all summer I was questioning where I wanted to go for my work placement. I sent various emails to companies like the BBC and ITV attaching my CV. Although I got some thoughtful replies no one could offer me a placement due to the increase in hybrid working from home. I was quite lost on what to do, until an email came through about a placement at the Sonic Arts Research Centre. That is where most of my classes have been throughout my time at university, I thought it would be a great place to get stuck in and build up my portfolio so I will be prepared for graduating.

I will use Gibbs six stages of reflective framework to evaluate how my first day went and how I can learn from my experience. Forrester states Gibbs model “can be a really good starting point for those new to reflection and can also be done quickly” (Forrester, 2020). Since this is my first reflective essay, I thought this model would be the best to evaluate my first day of work placement.

Figure 1. Gibbs Reflective Model 1988


This stage allows me to give a description of my experience. On my first day of placement at the Sonic Arts Research Centre I arrived with a group of other fellow students taking part in the work placement. We were then greeted by John D’Arcy and Frank Delany who are organisers of our placement. We then went into the sonic lab took a seat and were shown a power point presentation of what our placement would entail. Originally, I was placed into the video team live streaming performances at QUB which I had applied for. At the end of the power point, it gave the days in which we must be available to complete the placement. I looked up at the screen and read Thursday’s twelve to four and realised that’s when one of my modules were scheduled for. I realised I couldn’t do the placement and had to speak to the placement organisers and seek alternative arrangements for what my placement could be. After some discussion I was then placed in the SARC media team to create content for QUB Film and Broadcasts social media accounts.


Initially, I was so excited to start placement and dive into the creative industry. I was happy I got the placement I wanted and felt prepared for the year ahead. I sat in awe watching what last year’s students accomplished on their placement especially streaming the live concerts at QUB.

Figure 2. Reflection of my emotions

After the realisation hit me that I couldn’t work those days due to my other module taking place. My heart sank and I started to panic thinking I would have to find another placement. I felt nervous explaining to the organisers that I couldn’t do that day and was anxious at what their response may be. I was overwhelmed and did not want to go back to square one.

Once I explained my issue, they reassured me they would accommodate me in another placement. I was relived and my anxiety instantly left me. They told me that I could be a part of the media team and create content for QUB Film and Broadcasts social media. I was curious as I had no prior experience in content creating for social media. But was excited to be challenged and to be given such a big responsibility.


There were definitely ups and downs during the first day of placement from initial excitement to stressful anxiety. I am proud of myself for tackling the obstacle but need to learn how to remain calm and not jump to conclusion when things don’t go to plan. Overall, I feel my first day had a positive outcome and looking back realise that being a content creator for QUB Broadcast may be more beneficial for my career. Vinerean explains that “social media is such a medium that offers a setting for creating a competitive advantage for each type of relationship or targeted audience of an organization”(Vinerean, 2017). After researching about the emergence of social media in the work place, I feel I will now have a stronger set of skills to increase my employability and this new placement will be better for my development.

Figure 3. Draft instagram post I created for @QUBSCREEN


Upon reflection, I have noticed a pattern of the anxiousness I feel in these situations. Going into the unknown like starting a new job I tend to get stressed when something doesn’t go to plan. This quote by Jodi Picoult always stands out to me in these situations “anxiety’s like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but it doesn’t get you very far” (Picoult, 2011). In future I will try to remember this quote and realise I am doing myself more harm than good by unnecessary stress.


Using Gibbs approach to reflect on my work placement I have gained a better understanding of how to use my feelings in a focused way and to not let them get the better of me. I have realised that everything happens for a reason and I am glad of the outcome as I am really enjoying my new placement creating content for social media.

Action plan 

If the same thing happened again, what would I do? Moving forward with my placement, I will ensure that if a difficult situation arises that is out of my control I will try to remain calm and bring this problem directly to my placement organiser without fear. I will look into solutions to try reducing occupational stress so in the future I am ready to tackle new challenges. I understand that after using this reflective cycle my anxiousness in the workplace won’t just miraculously go away. But in analysing my feelings and reflecting on the experience I can work towards being more confident and calmer in a workplace setting when difficult situations arise.

Figure 4. Action plan clear point strategy


Forrester, M. 2002. Reflection and Reflective writing. Edinburgh Medical school.

Gibbs, G. 1988. Learning by Doing. A Guide to Teaching and Learning Methods. London: Further Education Unit at Oxford Polytechnic.

Picoult, J. 2011. Sing you home. Astra Books.

Vinerean, S. 2017. Importance of strategic social media marketing. Expert journal of marketing.

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