The School of Mathematics and Physics has a site licensing agreement in place with Wolfram Research for Mathematica 10. This agreement covers the following groups:
- All Staff within the School
- Postgraduate Research Students undertaking a project within the School.
- Undergraduate students currently enrolled in a module with one of the following prefixes – AMA, PHY, PMA, or SOR.
Other users within the University are not covered by the agreement and must purchase a separate license from Wolfram.
In order to use Mathematica 10, you will need to make sure that your computer meets the following minimum specifications.
- Processor – Intel Pentium 4 2.4 GHz or equivalent
- Disk Space – 8.8 GB
- System Memory (RAM) – 2 GB+ recommended
- Operating Systems:
- Windows – Vista or later (NOT compatible with Win XP )
- Mac OS X – Mavericks (10.9) or later
- Linux – Compatible with Debian 7/8, Centos 6/7 and Ubuntu 12.04+
If you do meet the all the above requirements, you can follow the links below to learn how to get access:
Note that if you have installed Mathematica via Munki (Managed Software Center) then it will try to connect to license servers which are only available when connected to the campus ethernet network. If Mathematica can’t connect to these then it will prompt for a license key – you can obtain this from the link above. You don’t need to re-download Mathematica, just enter the license code.