I’m still not having fun with El Capitan, even after 10.11.2 shipped.
First problem – for people who upgrade from 10.10 and earlier using the App Store installer, the contents of /var/db/receipts/ are deleted – this means that Munki, and any other program which depends on installer receipts to keep track of installed software, decides nothing is installed and wants to reinstall everything. This is tedious, but not terminal, I guess. The problem does not arise when updating an existing 10.11 install to 10.11.2, at least.
Second problem – and one which is directly affecting me and is therefore a crisis – is that detection of multiple displays seems flaky. I have a Mac Pro (trashcan model) with two external displays. While I’ve had intermittent issues with display detection, after applying 10.11.2 it’s been hideous – generally only one display will detect reliably, though if I power everything down and up again maybe it will work after a half hour of cable shuffling. Most vexing. Only way around it at the moment seems to be not letting screens go to sleep once they’re working, which is hardly satisfying.
At the moment I think that if Yosemite is working out OK for you, stay there!