ORCID – What, Why & How?

orcid id

What is ORCID?

ORCID (Open Researcher & Contributor ID) is a non-profit organisation which provides a unique permanent digital identifier for researchers. The 16 digit ORCID iD distinguishes you from other researchers and can be used to clearly identify you as the author of a publication or activity. There have been more than 2.5 million iDs issued since the organisation’s creation in 2012.

By using ORCID you can:

  • eliminate name ambiguity and distinguish yourself from other researchers, ensuring proper attribution
  • ensure that your work is discoverable and connected to you throughout your academic career
  • minimize the time you spend on repetitive data entry online

Many funders such as the Wellcome Trust and the Research Councils UK allow researchers to connect their ORCID iD to grant applications. Many publishers are integrating ORCID iDs into their manuscript submission process and you can now link your ORCID iD to your Pure profile. These are important steps towards improving the flow of research information across the Higher Education Sector.



How do I get my ORCID iD?

Setting up your ORCID iD is easy:

  1. Register online
  2. Add your information
  3. Use your ORCID ID

You can also create or connect your ORCID iD via your Pure profile, please click here for instructions.

What next?

When you have your ORCID iD, use it when applying for funding and in your manuscript submissions.

ORCID is a hub connecting the research landscape. It is a good idea to connect your ORCID iD to any other research identifiers you have e.g. your Scopus Author ID, your Web of Science Researcher ID and your Europe PubMed Central ID.

Please consult the following guidance on how to connect your ORCID iD to other identifiers:

SCOPUS guidelines

ResearcherID guidelines

Europe PubMed Central guidelines

If you need help creating your ORCID iD from Pure, please contact the Open Access Team.

If you’d like further information on ORCID, consult the:

ORCID website


ORCID Knowledge Base




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