During September 2013 almost 4,000 new students participated in induction talks and library tours. In order to evaluate the impact of these sessions and identify any potential adjustments required to the format, an online survey was carried out in November 2013. Feedback confirms that students continue to find the induction process and the library tours in particular, helpful. As a result of feedback received, some specific steps will be taken in advance of the 2014 induction session:
- General tours of the McClay Library will be offered at the start of Semester 1.
- An integrated set of new video clips to reflect major areas of service (IT and Library) as a supplement to induction talks and tours will be created.
- We will try to eliminate unnecessary duplication between the induction talk and the Library tour and standardise the content of the Library tour as much as possible.
- We will produce guidelines for Student Mentors taking library tours and attempt to integrate student-led and library tours into a single programme.
- Following the success of the Library Ambassadors programme in 2013, we will seek to recruit a larger group of students to work with us in 2014.