Analysis of Impact / Covid-19 Life in Lockdown

Lockdown Fashion competition

We are delighted to announce the winners of our Staff and Student Lockdown fashion competition, Ella Jepson (student category) and Susan Templeton (staff category). Take a look at the winners and honourable mentions below!


‘Gig attire’ by Ella Jepson (BA in Philosophy and Politics)


Susan Templeton (HAPP Marketing and Student recruitment), Undeterred by the snow!

See below our honourable mentions in staff and student categories – thank you to everyone who participated!

George Susil-Pryke (BA Philosophy and Politics)

George: Here’s me—as you can see—in the famous McClay Library with a rather outdated Halloween mask not in keeping with the times. I’ve got a sentimental attachment for this mask, and it hasn’t been able to rid itself of me. This is partly for two reasons: one being that it’s the second mask that I’ve owned for a substantial amount of time, the second reason being that my mother (who has an impressive collection of masks) kindly donated it to me after Halloween out of her frustration with me using those disposable one’s. Thanks, Mum!

If you see me trundling around McClay (which is where I spend most of my time) I hope it brings you a smile, because it does to me too. If it’s being cleaned or drying, I’ll be wearing my Christmas one-potentially inside-out admittedly, out of non-Christmassy induced sheepishness. (That’s the real beauty of this one, it doesn’t have that inside-out button!)

Maruska Svasek (Reader in Anthropology)

Maruska: I took this photograph in the early summer of 2020, when, like many others in Northern Ireland, I decided to start a new hobby to deal with the challenges of the pandemic. Sea swimming is a great way to gain a sense of freedom at a time of restrictions and lockdown. The only problem is getting in and out of the wetsuit! In this picture I tried it on for the first time – the label is still attached to it.

Sparky Booker (Lecturer in Irish History)

Sparky: For me lockdown fashion has been all about being warm. Nothing matches on anyone but we need all the layers we can get!

Tricia Lock (HAPP Student Experience and International Student Support)

Tricia: Dressed up like a teddy Bear

To hide away my unwashed hair

So cosy and warm I will indulge

To cover up my lockdown bulge!

For my expanding stomach is due no less

To the numerous buns I did digest

Working nonstop in front of my PC

Has had this effect on me –

and I drank too much tea!

Francine Rossone de Paula (Lecturer in International Relations)

Francine: My lockdown fashion is “half dressed-up” now that classes started. I was meeting students this morning for their first tutorials.

3 replies on “Lockdown Fashion competition”

Super fit Staff Members Susan and Maruska! How brave of you to face the cold waters of Bangor and the snowy garden to practice tennis! I think I will stay indoors until the Spring!!!!!

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