
Queen’s Universty Belfast (QUB)

Queen’s University Belfast (QUB) is the 9th oldest University in the UK. It contributes expertise in edge computing, systems software and transprecise computing. QUB leads the management of the project.

Hans Vandierendonck is Professor and coordinates the DiPET project. He has experience in systems software and transprecise computing. Read more on his home page

Blesson Varghese is Associate Professor (Senior Lecturer) at Queen’s University Belfast where he leads the Edge Computing Hub funded by Rakuten Mobile, Japan, and Royal Society Short Industry Fellow to British Telecommunications plc developing trusted and accountable edge systems. More info is available at:

JunKyu Lee is a Research Fellow at QUB. His research background includes Numerical Linear Algebra and FPGA computing. He was a Post-Doctoral Research Associate with the Joint Institute for Computational Sciences, The University of Tennessee–Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and as a Research Associate with the School of Electrical and Information Engineering, The University of Sydney. He is a recipient of a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action Individual Fellowship by the European Commission in 2018.

The Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (FORTH)

The Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (FORTH) is —

Polyvios Pratikakis is —

Université de Rennes 1 / IRISA

Université de Rennes 1 (France) is internationally acknowledged as one of the top scientific universities in France. It contributes expertise in fog computing, data stream processing and distributed task scheduling.

Guillaume Pierre is a full professor at the University of Rennes 1 where he leads the Myriads research team of Inria/IRISA. Guillaume Pierre is also the coordinator of the H2020 FogGuru project. More information at

Alessio Pagliari is a Postdoc Research Engineer in the IRISA research centre at the University of Rennes. He obtained his PhD at the University of Cote D’Azur in 2021, researching data streaming applications design, task placement and benchmarking. Currently, his research focuses on streaming platforms auto-scaling, fog networks and transprecision in streaming applications.

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya — BarcelonaTech (UPC), is one of the biggest universities in Spain and specialised in the fields of architecture, engineering and technology. It contributes expertise in edge computing and experimental evaluation in testbeds. 

Llorenç Cerdà-Albern obtained the engineering degree in telecommunications in 1993 from Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Barcelona, Spain. He joined the Computer Architecture Department of UPC in 1994, where he obtained his PhD degree in 2000. Currently he is Associate Professor. His current areas of interest include wireless 802.11 networks, and wireless community networks. His research focuses on performance evaluation, analytic models, layers two and three protocol design and evaluation, and data analysis of computer networks experimental measurements. He has published a substantial number of papers in international conferences and journals. He has participated in EU funded research projects (EXPERT, COST-257, MOEBIUS, WIDENS, COST-279, EuroNGI, CONFINE).


Felix Freitag is Associate Professor at the Computer Architecture Department. He obtained the PhD from UPC in 1998. His research has focused in the last years on community clouds, to which he has made scientific and practical contributions around the Cloudy distribution.

Leandro Navarro is Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Architecture of UPC, which he joined in 1988, after receiving his graduate degree on Telecommunication Engineering from UPC. He obtained a Ph.D. from UPC in 1992. His research interests include the design of scalable and cooperative Internet-scale and economics-inspired mechanisms and systems. Leandro supervised more than 10 PhD thesis. Leandro Navarro initiated in 2011 the research on community networks at UPC, enabling community clouds and testbeds for experimental evaluations. The full list of his publications is available at

West University of Timișoara (UVT)

West University of Timisoara (UVT) is the largest high education institution in the West side of Romania. It celebrates 75 years of public services in 2019. In the last five years, UVT was positioned in around 20 international rankings in the top 4 Romanian universities and has constantly 4 on-going actions per year from H2020. The activities who have helped to this achievement are strongly related to the research activities in exact sciences (e.g. the publications of the Physics Department leaded UVT in Shanghai classification). The Computer Science Department has contribute substantially to the international visibility of the UVT through the results of the RDI activities of international collaborative projects. The research team was involved in the last 10 years in more than 20 collaborative projects funded by European Commission in the frame of FP6/FP7/CIP/H2020 programmes in the field of Distributed/Parallel Computing (currently related to Cloud and HPC) and Artificial Intelligence (currently related to Big Data). Beyond these actions, the team is working in the frame of ESA and national projects. 

Dr. Dana PETCU is Professor at Computer Science Department  of the  West University of Timisoara, scientific manager of its supercomputing center, and CEO of the research spin-off Institute e-Austria Timisoara (IeAT). Her interest in distributed and parallel computing is reflected in more than two hundred papers about Cloud, Grid, Cluster or HPC computing. She is and was involved in several projects funded by European Commission and other research funding agencies, as coordinator (2 FP7), scientific coordinator (1 FP7), or local team leader (over 10 H2020/FP7/FP/CIP); currently involved in H2020- FET-HPCASPIDE and leading national PN-III BID (Big Data Science). She is chief editor of the open-access journal Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience.

Dr. Gabriel IUHASZ is Lecturer at Computer Science Department of West University of Timisoara and postdoc at IeAT, with a PhD degree in Artificial Intelligence (gaming). His research interests include different aspects of Artificial Intelligence (Machine Learning, Pattern Recognition, Cognitive Science and Artificial Thinking), Data Mining, Cloud Computing and Software Engineering. He was/is involved in 3 European projects funded by EC in FP7/H2020 (like H2020 DICE and ASPIDE in tasks related to anomaly detections and Big Data tools).

Dr. Marian NEAGUL is Lecturer at Computer Science Department of West University of Timisoara and postdoc at IeAT, with a PhD degree in Distributed Systems (data storage). During his career, he was involved in several projects related to parallel and distributed computing as well as software engineering funded by national agencies or EC (like FP7mOSAIC and MODAClouds, H2020CloudLightning in tasks related to DSLs, data management, deployments, resource orchestration, and satellite data processing).

Dr. Silviu PANICA is Postdoc at Computer Science Department of West University of Timisoara and postdoc at IeAT with a PhD degree in Distributed Systems (resource management). He has interest in distributed systems with accent on resource management and resource discovery in large-scale environments. During his career, he was involved in several projects related to parallel and distributed computing as well as software engineering funded by national agencies or EC (like FP7mOSAIC, SPECS, MODAClouds in tasks related to deployments and resource management or security monitoring).