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Information, Media and Data Literacy

Information, data and media literacies

You can discover about Information, Media and Data Literacies here.

What is Information Literacy?

“Information literacy is the ability to think critically and make balanced judgements about any information we find and use. It empowers us as citizens to develop informed views and to engage fully with society.” (CILIP, 2018)

This video from Modern Librarian Memoirs explains Information Literacy further:


McClay Library Guides

To enhance your information literacy please take the opportunity to explore the Library’s Subject Guides.

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Front view of the McCLay Library at Queen's University

Online Learning

Front facing view of Queen's Lanyon Building

Transition Skills

The information found and used along with the skills developed before reaching university are different from those needed during a degree course.

The Transition Skills Online guide will help you understand what is expected of students transitioning to Higher Education and how Queen’s equips them with the relevant skills.