Welcome to the Antimatter & many-body theory group of Dermot Green at Queen’s University Belfast!

We develop theoretical and computational methods to describe the interactions of antimatter with atoms, molecules and condensed matter, to provide fundamental insight required to support and direct experiment, inform other theory, and develop antimatter-based technologies. The group director is Dr Dermot Green.

See the tabs above for publications, team members etc. See below for news items.

Our new Phys. Rev. A Letter: How do molecular properties affect positron binding? Positron binding to halogenated hydrocarbons

In groundbreaking new work published as a Phys Rev A Letter, we applied our ab initio many-body theory to study trends in positron binding across molecular families, notably halogenated hydrocarbons. For chlorinated molecules excellent agreement with measurements by the UCSD Surko group are found. Predictions for brominated and fluorinated molecules are presented. Overall, we show that global molecular properties are not universal predictors of positron-molecule binding energies, and we explain the importance of the potential anisotropy and the density of electron states.

J. P. Cassidy, J. Hofierka, B. Cunningham, C. M. Rawlins, C. H. Patterson and D. G. Green, Phys. Rev. A Letter L 109, L040801 (2024) [Open Access]
