Welcome to the Antimatter & many-body theory group of Dermot Green at Queen’s University Belfast!

We develop theoretical and computational methods to describe the interactions of antimatter with atoms, molecules and condensed matter, to provide fundamental insight required to support and direct experiment, inform other theory, and develop antimatter-based technologies. The group director is Dr Dermot Green.

See the tabs above for publications, team members etc. See below for news items.

Positron binding in molecules: published in Nature.

Our many-body approach to positron binding in polyatomic molecules has been published in Nature [J. Hofierka, B. Cunningham, C. M. Rawlins, C. H. Patterson and D. G. Green, Nature 606, 688 (2022)]. (Jaroslav and Brian were joint-first authors.)

As well as providing the first accurate description of over two decades of measurements made by the pioneering group of Prof Cliff Surko at University of California San Diego, our ab initio method provides fundamental insight and predictive capability.

The approach is implemented in our state-of-the-art software EXCITON+, developed at QUB by heavily adapting the EXCITON all-electron many-body theory code of Charles Patterson (Trinity College Dublin).

The work was funded by Dermot’s ERC grant “ANTI-ATOM”.

See the associated news article on the Queen’s University Belfast website.

Stay tuned for more developments!