Category: Uncategorised

  • Not all is meant to be, and sometimes it’s your fault.

    Imposter Syndrome (noun): “They are undeserving of their achievements and the high esteem in which they are, in fact, generally held. They feel that they aren’t as competent or intelligent as others might think—and that soon enough, people will discover the truth about them.” (Psychology Today) I have this ‘persistent inability’ of pure mental self-destruction…

  • Race to The Finish Line: My work experience

    Race to The Finish Line: My work experience

    BBC Blackstaff Studio, Belfast- so this is where the magic happens! Over the years, hundreds of  important people have walked in and out of these gates, and for the next two weeks, I have the opportunity to as well. And working as a runner on a brand new day-time quiz show for BBC One, the…

  • The woes of Live Broadcasting

    Throughout the second year of my film production course I realised I had a very keen interest in live broadcasting. This all began when I got the opportunity to film a live stream for an adventure race near my hometown where I first got to experience the buzz live filming can give you. After all,…

  • Am I Working Hard Enough?

    Starting a new job always comes with anxieties and feelings of estrangement. Although I’ve worked on film sets three times in the past, the feeling of being new and incapable of living up to expectations still hasn’t faded. Although I constantly doubt my abilities, I want to work on productions and being able to use…

  • Was I A Happy Camper?

    I recently finished the most challenging yet incredible summer. I had the opportunity to complete my work experience at Island Lake, an American summer camp for two months in the remote town of Starrucca, Pennsylvania. My experience there entailed, to put it bluntly, a lot of movie bingo, badly made mac & cheese, and the…

  • Not just a Teacher, but a Role Model

    “It is not sufficient simply to have an experience in order to learn. Without reflecting upon this experience, it may quickly be forgotten, or its learning potential lost. (Gibbs, 1988) As a student who has always had a passion for teaching and education, I thought I had a clear understanding of what it meant to…

  • 0 to Teacher

    13th of November: 3 hours before the lesson. Stood outside the McClay after casting my CV out upon an ocean of emails, I took a 5-minute break. Are all the placements gone? Will I have to change modules? Have I left it too late? These anxieties filled my head, I wished to find a fulfilling…

  • Having The Patience To Learn

    While studying English & Film at QUB I have been eager to put the theoretical aspects of my degree into practice within industries I hope to advance into, a desire which has increased in my final year. Through my placement within the SARC Video Team, where I help with production and filming of concerts, I…

  • In Pursuit of Perfection

    We all try our best to achieve perfection in our lives, but the truth is, absolute perfection is unattainable. Though it is common knowledge that no one can ever be perfect, there are people who set unachievable standards for themselves. It was only during my reflection that I finally admitted to myself I am one…

  • Broadening My Horizons

    Despite having a burning passion for film, I’d be lying if I said the prospect of working in the industry didn’t horrify me. The idea that most career paths didn’t have job security, and that it was all about who you know more so than your academic background. So I wanted my work placement to…