Category: Uncategorised

  • Camp Catastrophes….

    My initial expectations for working at an American Summer Camp were pretty much in line with what one would typically expect. The experience wasn’t exactly what I had anticipated based on my naïve idea of what I had seen in films like “Camp Rock” (Matthew Diamond, 2008) and “Parent Trap (Nancy Meyers, 1998).” Things didn’t quite…

  • The Matrix of the Simulated Interview. 

    [Image of Binary code: ]  The process of an interview is a very stressful situation for the person, the vulnerability of presenting themselves for 10-15 short minutes could result in an entire change of their future if successful.  Interview (noun): “An interview is a formal meeting at which someone is asked questions in order to find out if they are suitable for a job or…

  • An Interesting Interview Experience

    Introduction The job interview is one of the quintessential elements in the process of obtaining a new career role. It has forever been known to be extremely important for both aspiring employees to show their capabilities and their character, and also for employers to gauge who among these potential employees is best suited to the…

  • Illuminating interviews – learning from difficulties AND success!

    I considered many different ways to reflect on the mock interviews- the talking part isn’t all there is to an interview after all; I had to spend time before picking my job application, thinking about what questions might be asked and then of course taking an afternoon to fret over the worst case scenario! So…

  • A Simulated Interview- A glimpse into the real world

  • Time Is Ticking and I Don’t Know How To Handle It

    When I got offered the role of Base Runner on Wreck last Summer, I immediately jumped at the opportunity. It was only after I hung up the phone that I thought more on what I had just agreed to. I had a vague idea of what a base runner does but I had no experience.…

  • Teaching is no easy job!

    Secondary school. You might remember it as being the best years of your life, but they didn’t come without their challenges. Lates, no homework, detention, uniform standards. I’m sure we can all relate in saying that we have experienced at least one of these challenges when we were in school. Now that I’m on the…

  • Oh, how the tables have turned.

    We often hear people say that ‘confidence is the key to success,’ or the encouragement to ‘fake it till you make it.’ Intrigued by these ideas, I decided to test them during my simulated interview. Even though I tried to look composed, inside, I was a bundle of nerves, plagued by self-doubt and overthinking and…

  • Oh, how the tables have turned.

  • What’s Beyond The Light At The End of The Tunnel?

    A question I have often asked myself as I near the end of my time at Queen’s University is, what happens after and how do I progress to the next step? As I see the light at the end of this tunnel, I realise it is merely only the beginning of the next stage of…