Category: Uncategorised

  • Playing it by ear on placement! The Sequel: Impromptu teaching edition…

    What began as a typical Wednesday at placement, quickly turned into one of the most important days of my life. Unbeknownst to me, I would leave school that day having taught a real-life, hour-long music class to a room of year 10 students, a day I never imagined would come. After years of gathering experience…

  • Deciphering the code of a Succesful Interview

    As graduating loomed closer and closer, my classmates and I took part in a simulated interview exercise to aid us in preparing to enter professional employment. I chose to be interviewed for a videographer and editor role in a company called Panoptic Group which is a content production company that creates promotional videos for brands.…

  • AEL3001: Navigating the Interview Process

    A reflection on my simulated interview The initial prospect of partaking in stimulated interviews was extremely daunting, having never experienced an interview for an industry job before. The territory wasn’t entirely unfamiliar to me, however, having successfully completed half a dozen interviews for part-time posts in the service industry over the past six years. These…

  • Job Interviews – Is there anything worse?

    It’s an experience I could confidently say not one human being enjoys. You are given on average less than 20 minutes to prove to the person sitting opposite that you are the most hardworking and skilful individual amongst a group of more often than not equally hardworking and skilful people. I must admit I believe…

  • Stimulated Interviews – The Key To Success?

    Job interview. The dreaded two words. What will I wear to look professional? But not too professional, I still want to show I’m a cool trendy person. What if they ask that stereotypical tell me about yourself question? What is relevant to tell an employer? Can I call going to gigs a hobby? After attending…

  • Weaponising My Stress

    Introduction Interviews never fail to make my palms sweat. There’s a large part of me that struggles with imposter syndrome and job interviews seem to be nothing but a catalyst for those doubtful feelings as I start questioning if I have any of the right experience and if the employers would ever even want me.…

  • The Dreaded Interview Process

    On today’s blog post…. Hello and welcome to my second blog post! Today I will be reflecting on my experience regarding the AEL3001 Work-Based Learning stimulated interviews. I’m now an expert but I hope this blog post makes you feel less terrified for having to go through the interview process for any job because although…

  • Bob, Bert and I, the Road to Redemption.

    Daunting, imposing and uncomfortable. Previous experiences with interviews led to me associating these three words with them. I never enjoyed the experience of being interviewed in a professional setting; I always felt uncomfortable, as if I was putting on a performance, an inauthentically hyperbolised version of myself. However, I learned that the necessary evil of…

  • Navigating the Rhythms-Challenges and triumphs of a music student on placement

    Entering the world of music education as a placement student in a secondary school is like setting out on a musical quest, it’s a voyage filled with obstacles, victories, and life-changing experiences. In this focused discourse, I want to ask you to come along on this life-changing adventure with me as I work through the…