Category: Uncategorised

  • Mock Interviews… The Scariest thing know to man!

    We’ve all done it, Stood at the top of a diving board or a tall ledge and been petrified of the abyss below. Your legs feel like jelly, your stomach feels like its in your throat and your heart may as well be outside your chest with how hard it’s beating. Mock Interviews are that…

  • In The Thick of It

    The return of the Executive and the mad scramble of Journalism. There are certainly times when one must consider the nature of coincidences. It can be so immensely mind-boggling how on occasion things seem to line up simply too perfectly. After two years without a government, it just so happens that during my time at…

  • Could I be your next Blue Peter Presenter? Stimulated Interviews.

    To be a Blue Peter presenter there are a few niche skills you must have; Firstly, you need to be a thrill seeker who is brave enough to face any challenge. You must be energetic and cool as a cucumber around extraordinary guests. But more importantly, you need to be someone that children can look…

  • From Panic to Productivity: Starting a Placement with Bruiser

    Breaking Down Barriers to Begin a Placement… It was quite daunting to hear that most of my peers had completed their placement by Christmas when I was yet to start mine.  After the Christmas break, I contacted my boss to see when we would begin.  I heard nothing back so a week later I contacted…

  • Module AEL 3001: Work-Based Learning 2nd Blog post:

    Behind the Soundboard: A Journey Through My Recording Studio Internship Introduction: Through the latter half of my final year in university, I have extensively increased the number of hours spent at my work placement. After the Christmas break, I was very eager to get more time and experience in the professional studio setting and work…

  • Lights, Camera, Interview

    Simulated Interview Today is a pivotal moment in my path toward a career in videography, a simulated interview conducted by my classmates. I have previously boasted that I have a 100% success rate when interviewing for jobs (5 interviews and 5 part-time jobs secured). Usually with interviews I rely on my charm and some well-timed…

  • Tell Us About Yourself

    The dreaded words. Everything that you are summarised in one paragraph. Your entire being, all your experiences wrapped up, neatly, in a little bow. “Tell us about yourself.” As soon as you hear this everything goes through your mind. Should I talk about my hobbies? My academic achievements?  My work experience? How can I express…

  • Simulated Interviews, Simulated Confidence

    It’s that dreaded time! Except, I don’t feel as nearly as anxious as I probably should. To tell you the truth, my approach to every job interview up until this point has been to ‘wing it’. No preparation, all I needed to do was show up, smile, and suck up to the interviewer. It’s worked…

  • Ael 3001 Simulated Interviews

    Despite completing several simulated and real interviews across my educational background and work life, the simulated interviews conducted within this module offered a singular diversity that made it stand out against the previous experiences; a chance to sit on the  interview panel. On the drama pathway for the course, alongside others using the placement as…

  • Shadowing and the Shadow’s shadow of doubt. 

    In my last blog I compared myself to the film School of Rock’s main protagonist Dewey Finn. I discussed how I was a like to Finn in my approach to teaching. This included attempting to put on a convincing persona that I was destined to be a great teacher. This time it is not so much about…