We will be back – the guest consultants for our MArch programme

Alan Jones
Each studio group tutoring team has chosen their supporting consultuant – to act as a critical friend to their group, and as one of the external reviewers for 2014-15. Everyone and anyone is invited and encouraged to attend the MArch reviews in the David Keir Building – 18 & 19 March and 6 & 7 May 2015.
Prof Mark Brearley, CASS, LondonProf Jo van den Berghe, St Lucas, Belgium

Prof Kester Rattenbury, Westminster University
Alessandra Cianchetta, AWP Office for Territorial Reconfiguration, Paris.
not pictured but attending Sem 2 2014-15
Hugh Strange, Strange Architects & Kingston University, London.

See: https://www.facebook.com/alan.jones.144/media_set?set=a.10205065492609343.1073741872.1004015273&type=1&pnref=story for further images